2007 Schedule
Friday, September 7, 2007
1200 to 1630 - Launching, Registration, Weigh-in at Fay’s Boat Yard
1730 - Pizza and Beer at the Dock
Saturday, September 8, 2007
0800 to 0930 - Breakfast Buffet (approx. $10/person, pay at the door), Final Registration and Weigh-in at Lyon’s Den
0930 - Skipper’s Meeting at Lyon’s Den
pick up pre-ordered lunches immediately afterwards
1100 - Warning Signal for first race (about 2 miles out)
1700 to 1900 - Social Hour after Racing at Fay’s Boat Yard
Sunday, September 9, 2007
0700 to 0900 - Deli open for picking up pre-ordered lunches
1000 - Warning Signal for first race (about 2 miles out)
No warning signal shall be given after 1330
After Racing Haul Out and Awards at Fay’s Boat Yard